Category Archives: Yoga journey
Yoga Toscana: Not Doing My Best and Loving It
……with no official responsibilities, this week I would let go of ‘doing’ and shift into ‘being’, into noticing, experiencing, discovering and being open to learning. This challenging shift yielded deep and unexpected results. Continue reading
In Search of a Yoga Teacher
When I first set out to find a yoga teacher…I didn’t know what I was looking for…, and there was no internet to provide me with more information than I could possibly absorb. Continue reading
Saraswati Comes to Mooselook
On this, the first trip I had ever made to Maine before Memorial Day, I saw ice on the lake for the very first time. Something intriguing was happening. Continue reading
Anusara Amaryllis
When my friend suggested that I name my amaryllis, I laughed, but strange coincidences caused me to reconsider. Continue reading
The Road to Powerful Intentions is Paved with Awareness
In January of 2011, I thought of resolving to practice yoga for two hours each day, beginning at 5 am. Great idea! It would feel virtuous to awaken before dawn, a daily practice would be ensured, and each day would … Continue reading
A Thanksgiving Story
The universe offers us gifts at surprising times and places. Only if we notice and appreciate them can we receive them. They change the fabric of our lives.
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Yoga Becomes Me
At some point in my life yoga stopped being something I did and became part of who I am. As I look back on more than two decades of yoga practice, with one exception, there was no magical moment of transformation or realization. Quite the opposite. Continue reading