Karen's Blog


September 2016

January 2016

March 2014

February 2014

  • DIG!

    I enjoy shoveling snow. It gets me outside during the winter, it’s aerobic and it’s practical. The shoveling keeps the long walk from my driveway to my front door clear and safe for my yoga students. And the activity is … Continue reading

September 2013

July 2013

  • Let’s Not Make a Deal

    Having decided to celebrate my nine-year-old grandson’s birthday by going to an adventure park of rope courses and ziplines together, I proposed to him that I would do—or try to do–whatever he could do if he would do—or try to do—whatever I could do. Deal? Deal! Continue reading

May 2013

March 2013

  • Packing Light

    As I fold my slender pink yoga mat into the bottom of my suitcase, I think ‘it’s taking up so much space.’ Without it, I could pack another pair of shoes, that extra jacket, or even use a smaller suitcase. True, but who am I kidding? For years I have taken a mat with me wherever I go. Continue reading

February 2013

January 2013

November 2012

October 2012

September 2012

  • Beginnings

    This is a week of beginnings–the autumnal equinox, the Jewish New Year, and, only slightly less momentous, the opening of the new studio space in my home. Continue reading

June 2012

  • Into the Unknown

    Throughout my life I have been cautious about making commitments, but once I make them I do not let go with ease. So resigning my Anusara-inspired status has come neither quickly nor easily. Continue reading

March 2012

February 2012

  • Second Grade Yoga Teachers

    Little did I know how much yoga I could learn from second graders, but as I thought about my day with my friend Gary Proulx’s class at PS 321 in Brooklyn, an enduring yoga theme–stability and freedom—was clarified. In yoga, we create a strong and stable Continue reading

January 2012

November 2011

September 2011

June 2011

  • Practicing with Owl

    On a Sunday afternoon in February, when there were still several feet of snow, I had just begun my yoga practice, facing the woods. As I moved from my first dog pose into uttanasana (forward fold), I looked up and saw a large human-like creature standing in a round crater on the incline in the snow facing me. Continue reading

May 2011

  • Yoga Becomes Me

    At some point in my life yoga stopped being something I did and became part of who I am. As I look back on more than two decades of yoga practice, with one exception, there was no magical moment of transformation or realization. Quite the opposite. Continue reading